Drab to Fab Storage Crate

Hey everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend.
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile...I've been uber busy with work, but it took me to Las Vegas, so can't complain now can I?

So, those of you who read my ramblings probably know that we had a dumbo builder who decided to skip out on the closets when building our house.
We don't have ANYclosets except the ones in the bedrooms.
So I have like no place to put half my stuff....zero zilch nada storage.
I can go on and on at how much better my life would be with at least ONE linen closet or coat closet, but I won't.
So, usually where the blankets should go, they don't go, cuz there isn't one.
So they usually end up stashed in a corner somewhere.
But then....
I found this old milk crate (I think its a milk crate?) for $2.
And now I have some cute storage for the blankets!

It use to look like this~

I liked the white already and how it kind of looked old and used. And I was lazy and didn't want to go through the process of painting it :) Truth be told. Cuz I was just going to paint it white anyway.

Then I took some rope I found for a buck fifty and wrapped the pretty little thing up.

I just hot glued the ends on both sides so they would stay. I loooove how it looks on the side:

I used my Cricut to cut this out with vinyl. I'm thinking I might put some more on the side....if I ever get around to it. But for now....
I'm happy that my blankets aren't in a pile in the corner somewhere...they have a place to live :)

Linked Parties:
happy DIYing! Alicia


  1. This is so clever! What a great job!

  2. cute! I don't know how you manage with no closets!!

  3. This is so great! I love how it looks on the side too. And having no closets just makes you that more creative. Can't wait to see what else you come up with!

  4. The rope is genius! This is such a cute look. I like the stenciling on the front too!

  5. lovely! so creative. thanks for sharing.

  6. Nicely done, clever use of rope! It's not easy finding wooden crates these days, good job! - an awesome fine and put to good use.
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  7. Don't forget to link your project up to my new blog party!


  8. That is great!!! I know my parents have some crates like that, too...I think I need to go find them!

  9. Such a cute idea. And a great place to store blankets!

  10. that is soo cute! im forever moaning about our lack of storage:(. Ifollowed a link over here from 'two tips tuesday' - love how you covered the books to make a great display. im now a follower and off for a nose around your fab blog xx
